Sorry, we have been soooo busy since my last blog entry. So, I guess I'll do a quick run through. Josh had a birthday January 31. The kids and I made him a cake, which they had a lot of fun decorating it with me.

We had two snow falls. The first one was in January. I guess you should call it a dusting, not a snow fall. What do you expect in Mississippi? The other snow was in February. I didn't get any pictures of the "heavier" snow because we were too busy playing in it. Josh, Destin and I had bruises for a week after!!!!

Which brings me to the next event. Destin, our 18 year old nephew moved in with us.

Our Young Adult class and Youth Group, from church, did a dinner for all the other members of your congregation. It was a great success and we had a blast. Thanks to all that helped!

Spring Break has come and gone! We took the kids on a "backyard camp out". The camper was parked 6 feet from the back door! That's my kind of camping. We had a blast doing that. We had a campfire every night where we did tell a few ghost stories. We went fishing, riding bikes, and "hiking" in our pasture.

We ended our week with a trip to the park in Olive Branch. The kids played on the playground and feed the crazed ducks and geese, we also walked the nature trail. And what's a trip to the park without ice cream? Everyone got a treat from Baskin Robins.

We have started ball practice with Kalan's softball team. Destin's ball season is quickly coming to an end! Then graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know he's excited and we are proud of him. Andrew is ready for the school to come to an end. He has enjoyed his first year in middle school. I will try to do better. Some days I wonder if i will have time to stop and breathe! Until next time.
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