I can hardly believe that it has really been 8 years since my baby girl was born. Her entry into this world was a sign of what was yet to come...lol She is my more headstrong child. She definitely has her own opinions and is very intent on seeing them out. What can I say...she takes after her mother, bless her heart. Bless my heart, nope bless Josh's heart!
Case in point...her cake. They don't make iCarly cakes around here. She was dead set on it, so I gave it to her. Yes, I did it myself. I looked at the picture online and drew out my stencil and made it from that.

She wanted strawberry cake. So it was strawberry cake with chocolate cream cheese filling and of course butter cream icing! It was very good!

What's that? You want to know what happened to her hair. That's another blog in and of itself. She is soooo beautiful, but I am jaded! The candles are neat they are spiral. She had a bit of trouble blowing them out too. We had to throw this party together because of so many schedule conflicts. At least this year she didn't have stitches in her chin. She was a little upset at first when she couldn't invite her whole ball team!!!! I know, I would have had to take a nerve pill for sure...lol!

Here she is with all of her loot! She racked up! She loves clothes and shoes and make-up and pretty things. She got plenty of those things. All of them had a great time! They did stay up and watch Flicka 2 twice. I believe they went to sleep well after 2 am.

I woke the poor little things up at 8 the next morning for pancakes! We went to Church and then to Carly's birthday party. I know that when I blink again she will be 16...gasp! I shan't think of such horrible things! For now 8 is GREAT!
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