I love my True Blood. I do...I really really do. When it comes time for it air on Sunday nights I get all giddy inside. I can't wait to see one of my favorite adult book series come life.
Sunday August 1, 2010 was a complete and total disappointment for me.
Really...I mean REALLY Alan Ball. Have you bumped your head? Did you like stop reading the books? I mean I am quite concerned. That's why I'm asking these questions.
I know...I know...it's creative change. Well, I honestly call it CRAZY! Most of the time they will change some minor details...generally they never ever complete change the plot line. The plot line is the reason that people like me are so crazy for the book series.
I don't understand how he's going to keep the show anywhere near the books' plot line...I don't. He has definitely upset me and Mindy. That is for sure!
Then...BAM! There is Claudine...I mean what the heck?! She isn't even mentioned anytime soon! Jason and Crystal was started to early too! Don't even get me started on the whole vamp wedding between MS and LA! Totally not even correct!
Are they going to have the bombing at the vamp hotel now? Is Sookie going to save Eric's life? Are we going to get to see the amnesia Eric...I really like the amnesia Eric.
I can't believe that he hasn't played out Sookie and Alcide's relationship...this is a building block for other major points in later books.
HBO...you have totally disappointed me...I mean REALLY!

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