Wow! Has it really been that long since my last post? I can't believe it. Time is rushing by. I have done a few cakes in the meantime. I enjoy doing them, but they are time consuming and with all the recent activities that I have going on I had to turn down one yesterday. I hate that, but I didn't want to disappoint them with an ugly

This one is Sheri's birthday cake. She wanted a True Blood Cake that had "Bite Me" on it. I put some fang marks with blood coming out of them under her name. Her husband wanted it to bleed when they cut it. It stumped me, but I thinned out some strawberry preserves and put it in the middle. She said she didn't let it set out long enough for it to run, but she LOVED it.

I made Mindy a Twilight inspired cake for her birthday. If you know my sister then you know that she loves books...she loves to read. So I did all four of the books as her cake. The picture above are the book spines. I did have a little trouble with this cake. It cracked and I cried.

Here is the top...note the crack. She still loved it. Very fun to make, just wish it wouldn't have cracked...oh tasted good.
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