Thursday, March 4, 2010

BL the end is nearing

I cannot believe that this season (4) is almost over with. I love this show. It is great, only problem is, there is only 1 episode left. I just don't know if I can wait another 9 months to see what will happen to the Henrickson Clan. So far some of my theories from last week have not happened. Alby hasn't killed his wife, yet. That man is crazy and is capable of anything, so don't rule him out too soon. They haven't shown Hollis Greene since the escape from his compound in Mexico. That might wait until next season. I did have one thing right, JJ is defiantly up to no good. Marilyn is up to no good as well, she might be the one that outs them. I now know how they plan on writing off the character Sarah, she is "moving" to Seattle with her new husband Scott. Nicki has flipped her lid too, well if you can get any crazier. I never ever know what to expect out of her. I think that's why I like her character so much. She is not a square. I'm not sure what it is going to happen to her mom, that falls under the whole JJ thing. I do think that JJ's son, the doctor, is giving Nicki some medicine that will keep her from getting pregnant. I can't leave out Margene...what a dense, don't get me wrong, I love her, but come on. Sometimes I think the lights are on but no one's home. I think the whole "paper marriage" is going to blow up in her face, or the whole family's face. I really don't see how they keep all of their lies straight. It sure does make for great TV!!!

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