Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Face Lift sister so graciously text me to let me know that all I had on my blog was a white background. Thanks for being there Mindy!

So after I stopped hyperventilating I decided today was the day....for a face lift.

Not for blog.

I have decided that I have far too many pictures and I want to display them. So...I think I will change my heading picture Bi-weekly.

My blog title is Meredith why not make them Polaroids with captions on them with the people and date.....

Good idea...right? Let me know what you think....please...someone...anyone.


  1. I love the idea! Something quick like that is all I have time for - and you've got one more kid than me. :)

  2. I might have one more kid...but you still have me beat! I don't know how you do 2 at a time. You go girl!
