I believe they both were in my house on Saturday night. Kalan lost a tooth right before bedtime. The Easter Bunny called the Tooth Fairy and they made arrangements to come in together. This made things easier for them. I think it worked very well. The Tooth Fairy left her goods in the Easter Bunny's basket. I have soooo many pictures from Easter morning and egg hunting. I am going to put together a slide show and put it up. But until I find the time for that here are few of the kids that I liked.

Andrew...where did the time go? Can't believe he is 12.

Kalan Olivia...a heartbreaker. She is going to give her daddy fits in 9 to 10 years.

Nathan...I feel sorry for your teacher and principal. He is T R O U B L E!

Our Happy Family!

I might have another little heartbreaker on my hands. He is so precious!

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