We started our journey at 6 that morning. No, we are not crazy only different. Can you see the excitement in their faces? If you know where we were going you could see it...really. Andrew, please sit up and be in the picture. No luck there, still too early in the morning for him. We stopped and picked up Savanna and head to my In-laws. We had a little back and forth discussion as to who was riding where and then we were off. We stopped at Wal-Mart in the big town of Holly Springs and then ate breakfast at Sonic, America's Drive-In. I know that all of you are just dying to know where we went. First clue: we (the Meredith Clan) go here every year around this time.
Still not sure...I will give you another hint. Soon so stop being so pushy. Andrew put together a short devotional for us at the picnic area. He did a wonderful job on the "Golden Rule". He makes me so proud *tear*. We finished our devotional, took the Lord's Supper and then had lunch. Second clue: We went North to a national park.
Since we were in a National Park, I agreed to let my children ride in the back of my Father-In-Laws truck. I am a jumpy parent. I don't like to watch my kids in situations that can be detrimental to their health...lol Josh is always telling me to let them be kids. I try, I do. I close my eyes and pray that they make good choices. Anyways, I put this picture up because of Kalan's facial expression, it's priceless. Josh was driving and trying to take this picture at the same time. Clint was holding the wheel. A camera has the same effect as side view mirrors, you know, objects are closer than they appear. Josh hit the gas a little to hard and sent us flying up behind them. Kalan was shocked. Third clue: The Hornet's Nest is located here.
After all of our site seeing in the park we came upon a river. Now, if I told you which one you just might guess where we are a little to quickly. My husband and his brother are bigger kids than our children are. This is where I was saying things like; "oooh Josh...don't let...get him away from the edge...I can't watch. I'm going back to the car." Josh and Clint where trying to out throw the kids and each other. Josh was trying to hit a coke bottle with a rock. All the kids threw rocks. I think this was the most fun they had...the little things. Fourth and Final Clue: A famous baby has it's name.

The best part of the whole trip, aside from family time and rocking out to my iPod there and back, was the sight of the "Symbol of Freedom". That's right, we got to see a bald eagle flying free. We even got to see it in it's nest. I have to say, I know this is a large bird, but I never would have imagined it's nest being so huge! It makes you proud to be an American. If you look close at the picture you can see it looking out of it's nest.
And finally......the answer to the questions is........Shiloh National Military Park.
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