Friday, November 12, 2010

Fall Break

I know...I know. I am sooo behind. As I have said in previous posts, life just gets in the way. This was the first time in 3 years that we haven't had a camp out in the back yard during Fall Break. We sold our camper last year and I refuge to sleep in a tent when my bed is 50 feet away. I told Josh to go right ahead and camp out in a tent...without me. So, he didn't.

Like most people we were too broke to actually go on vacation somewhere. My thought on Fall Break is that it is too close to Christmas for me to go out and spend a whole lot of money on a vacation. My kids are fairly easy to entertain.

Case in point...our form of entertainment for Fall Break was saddling up 2 new horse that we got and trying them out...hahahahaha.

I got no pictures of all that action, but it was quite entertaining to watch Josh, Clint and Ronnie who in my opinion will ride any horse. Trust me people I know. I have seen them get on some very lively ones throughout the years. Me, on the other hand, am an admirer from afar. I have only ridden a handful of times. After witnessing what those beautiful massive creatures can has hindered me from throwing my inhibition to the wind and just jumping on. I did however get on a 20 year old full blooded Arabian horse. Josh was leading her and we only went a total of 20 yards. Her name is Comet. She is very calm. We have Chance...he is not so calm.

My Father-In-Law...Ronnie...who I like to call the Horse Whisperer, came to my aid. Every time Josh would ride Comet out of view Chance would go nuts. I held him as long as I wanted to. He pulled my arm through the I surrendered. Ronnie held him for a bit and then looks over at me and says..."I dun got to old for this". This coming from the man that owns 9 horses and 1 mule!

Next came Chances turn to get saddled up. This was not to pleasant...neither was getting the bridle on him. After all the work getting the bridle and saddle on him Josh just looks at him and turns to his brother Clint and says..."I ain't gettin on him do it." WAIT...WHAT?! This coming from the man that has broken horses for years..not afraid of them...shows them who's boss. Clint falls into that same category too. Clint says..."me either man". I missing something? I say Chance is acting nuts, but the whole time Josh is correcting me telling me that he just fells good. Finally they both are brave enough to go up to him...put one foot in the stirrup... then get down and say they don't want to get hurt riding that crazy joker. Huh? Okay I am lost. I don't argue....what can I say...I'm scared to death of him?!

The kids had a good time too. All of them took turns riding Comet. Then once they were finished they ran around playing. I got a few pictures of them...they are all so cute!

My Kalan with Nathan in the back round

Kendal Sue Diddle also with Nathan in the back round


My Baby...Josh

My Goofy brother-in-law Clint

The Old Man...Duke!

So folks...that what broke people do on Fall Break!

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