Thursday, December 9, 2010

It's December!

I would like to start by apologizing...the pics are horrible. They are uploads from a phone. were we....ahhh yes...IT'S DECEMBER! You heard me people. I can't believe it. Where has the time gone? It seemed just like yesterday we were working really hard on our Halloween Haunted Trail. We have eaten the Turkey...done the Black we're just waiting on the Fat Man to come to town. I just can't get over how fast it goes takes forever for December to get here and then in a blink of the's gone!

We put up our tree the day after took me from then until the next week to decorate it. We were busy. What can I say? This past Saturday we took the kids to see Santa at Bass Pro. They love going there. So do Josh and I. Mainly because it is not crazy like the mall Santa. We stood in line 5 minutes max and the kids got to do the other activities, paint a snowman, target practice, watch the train. Not a lot of hussell and bussell there. I love that.
Then Sunday they went to Gran's and got to hang the ornaments on her tree. They love doing this. If they wouldn't fight over who gets what ornaments it would be a lot

I let my Mom hand the ornaments out...I wasn't going to be in the middle of that war again. Maybe I will get to post more while I'm on Christmas Break...but don't hold your breath.

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