Kalan had all of her little friends at the house for a sleepover. She had just recently busted open her chin. Side bar: she tripped over Nathan in the hall which required 4 stitches in her chin.

This is her cake I made. This is before I started making my own icing. I still think it turned out really cute. The only reason I stated making my kids cake was due to their crazy requests. I refuse to pay $80 for someone to make a cake that will be devoured, and I only paid $150 for my wedding cake. Okay, I'm off my soap box, for now.

Kalan wanted a round cake with black and pink poka-dots. I used four cakes to get it this high...lol It was tall. I used jar icing and before we could cut the cake, icing was oozing out from each layer.

I didn't have any icing to write on the cake, other than white so I improvised and wrote on each dot on the top. I even hand made her "Happy Birthday" banner. She wanted zebra print. Like I said crazy requests. She had a great time with all her little friends and everyone stayed up way past their bedtime.

Sorry these two pics are out of order.
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