I told you that we get a lot of critters at our place, never a dull moment. Today was no exception to this. I had been super busy all day. Kalan was sick with the stomach virus, bless her heart. No details needed about all that goes along with that. Once she finally settled down I had to start on the treats for the lock-in at church tomorrow night. I always look out the window while I'm washing dishes and this time I see an UGLY opossum coming up out of the pasture. This is unusual because the are nocturnal creatures. This opossum was on a mission. They can be very aggressive and carry rabies. I ran and got Josh's pistol, I unloaded all 9 rounds at the opossum, luck thing. He ran only a few feet up a tree, I knew as soon I left he would be back looking for food. So, okay...I know this is a little overkill, but it was the only rifle I was comfortable shooting. I got the .270 out and killed it with one shot. Please no hate mail...lol I don't kill harmless animals, these are not harmless. We have dog and cat food in our storage room in the garage, if they get food from one place they come back and are vicious. They can and will kill small pets, like our cat. They have been known to attack humans; my kids feed our animals.
On a brighter note...I am super excited about the lock-in tomorrow night. I made 45 cupcakes and over 100 rice crispy treats...there will be no lack of sugar! I will definitely blog about it...stay tuned.
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