There are no words for my disbelief that my baby, Nathan, is 4 years old, already! It only seems like yesterday when he was born, and what a birthday that was. He scared us all to death! I never ever really believed my parents and grandmother when telling that time flies by the older you get, but it really does.
This is his Lighting McQueen cake that I made for him. This was my first do-it-yourself cake. I think that I did a very good job. Everyone loved it and it made the birthday boy happy, and that was all that mattered.

I do have to say that I did not realize how much work was involved in making one of these cakes. I had someone ask me how much I would charge to make them one and I said their wasn't enough money for me to make one for someone else...lol I would truly stress myself if I had to please someone else. This cake was far from perfect, but I was satisfied. It was French Vanilla cake with chocolate gnash filling and butter cream icing. The checkered flag design on the side looked easy on paper, but once you start making each one of the thousands of stars that make it up it was more to it then I thought. My grass turned out cute! I searched the web and found an idea to make the road out of ground up oreos and it worked perfectly.
Of course he got way more than he needed, but you only have one birthday a year... :) I only wish his birthday was during warmer months, not November, so they could have played outside more. The pinata was a hit. We did opt for the pull string type, so we wouldn't send someone from our party to the ER. When they are this age having a child blind-folded with a stick can be very dangerous.
He will always be by baby! I just can not imagine, no, I don't want to imagine him being a teenager... I'm sure those days will hold some fun times in them too. For now, I'm satisfied with him yelling MOMMY every time I come home and preferring me over Daddy to tell him his bedtime story at night. How can I forget his sweet little kisses! I love you Nathan Owen Meredith.
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