Yes, yes I did. I survived the depths of parenting hell, a little place called Chuck E. Cheese. I love my children and would do anything for them...anything. Even if that means going to the unnameable place. It's like in the Harry Potter books and movies; no one says "The Dark Lords" name. It makes me shiver, makes my blood run cold. So, you ask yourself why I would do this to myself. As stated above I love my children. They can melt my heart. That little Nathan, looked at me with those big brown eyes and said, "Mommy, I want to go to the Chucky Cheeses. Do you know dat I never been dare before, uh do ya mama?" How could I say no to that? I couldn't I tell ya, I just couldn't.
This is Spring Break and we are trying to do some fun things with kids around here. We went to St. Louis in September and I really didn't want to go on another trip right now. We took a poll with the kids to see where/what they wanted to do. Of course those cursed people that market the unnameable place run a thousand commericals an hour in order to brain wash poor children, like mine, to want to go where a kid can be a kid. I know this because when I asked Nathan how he knew about that place he said, "on the TB Mama, day show him on dare. I need to go dare where a kid can be a kid and get some of dat Chucky Cheeses muney!"
Definition: muney= money
As a parent you get to see pure joy through the eyes of your children. That is what happened on Monday. We were on Goodman Road heading west and he spotted it from there. His face just lit up. By the time we were in the parking lot he was dancing in the van. He was so high on the thought of some "Chucky Cheeses Muney" you couldn't tell him anything. Once we walked in the first set of doors there is a picture of the Mouse, he lost it. "Mommy, Mommy, look! Dare he is! I'm here Chucky!" Let's just say the excitement didn't stop there. The "chucky Muney" comes out of this coin return thing by the cash register and he literately jumped up and down as it counted it out.
It was a crazy madhouse in there! I am trying to block the visions from my mind, but the kids had a blast. Nathan won the most tickets, with the help of Andrew, and everyone got several of the $.50 toys. As we walked out of the doors, we came up to the picture of the mouse again. Nathan stopped and said "bye bye Chucky Cheeses, see ya lader!" And he gave him a big thumbs up and wink. I hope that I do not have to grace the doors for another four plus Doubt it. I have to say the joy on Nathan's face was priceless and I would endure it again in a minute.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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