Sorry my loyal blogger fans, I know it has been a few days. It's been crazy. Josh's grandmother passed away on Friday and Nathan, Andrew, and Josh have had the stomach virus.
Back on point. We took the kids bowling on Wednesday. We picked Wednesday because it was dollar days at the bowling alley. One dollar per person per game. It was St. Patrick's day and poor Andrew was the only one not wearing green. OUCH!! Nathan has had several firsts this week. Bowling at a bowling alley was one of them. He loved it and was a good sport. He didn't care that he didn't win.

This is him, he was totally into it. After every bowl he would strike a He cracked us up. In the picture above he was trying to get a spare, as you can see, not happening. He's so funny.

Kalan, Mrs. Drama Queen, we expected no less. Not even bowling. She did have the bumpers up, but she beat all of us the second game. Most of the time she never would watch the ball go down the lane. Josh and I still don't know how she beat She doesn't know, but she was so happy. Not to beat us of course, beating Andrew is what made her day.

I just had to throw this pose in for you. I know you will get a kick out of it. I wasn't feeding you any bull. Hands on the hips, the stance. He only crossed the foul line watching a deer on ice.

Here's Andrew. Bless his heart. He had a ruff day. Not only did he get pinched, but got beat by his sister and baby brother. He is not a graceful loser...not at all. He did bowl a strike, that made him happy for a brief moment. His next turn he bowled a double gutter ball. Bless his heart. We all had fun that day. I had forgotten how sore bowling makes my thumb. We made some memories and had some laughs. I love my babies!
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