...or at least I think I am. I found myself saying this, to myself last night. I have never been one that likes to be alone at night and yes...I will admit I am a light flicker.
Definition for light flicker: a person that goes through a dark house and flicks on every light that they get remotely close to.
Now that you have the definition we can continue on with my little tale. All the kids had been in the bed for an hour or more and Josh and I decided that we were going to go to sleep too. I forgot to plug in one of my phones (yes I have have 2) and was going to the kitchen to do that and take an empty cup. I opened my bedroom door and quietly shut it, the TV was on and I didn't want Nathan to hear it and wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed. That is why I didn't start flicking on the hall light and bathroom light, it's like Nathan smells a light on and he thinks, oh it's time to get up. Well, as soon as I shut the door and turned into the dark hall my stomach sank to my feet. It was very dark in the front part of the house and my imagination began to run wild (no, it doesn't have to go far). The only thing I could think of was every single scary movie that I had ever seen, all at one time. I didn't move for a few seconds, which felt like an eternity.
Then I began to think of the bogey man. You know the one that is always looking at you through a window or door when it's dark outside and you have a light on and you can't see out of the window, and due to the thought that someone might be outside the window you won't put your face up to glass and cup your hands around your face so you can see past the light because you are scared the bogey man will reach up and pull you outside. Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of, along with Freddy, Jason, Michael, and a Scrunt (the thing from Lady in the Water).
What do I have waiting for me in the kitchen? Only a valence above my kitchen window and sliding glass patio doors. I began to think really hard about the blinds on the patio door. Did I shut them? Did Josh shut them? Josh never shuts them, he always pulls them down but never closes them. Just great here I am in the dark hall trying my best to keep it together until I get in the kitchen and can flick on a light. By this time my pulse is racing and small amounts of sweat are popping out on my body. The whole time I hear the theme music to Halloween playing in my head, and the thought that their was a scrunt behind me in the dark didn't help either.
Right before I reach the end of the hallway I tell myself, "I am a grown woman, none of those things exist, pull it together!" I run to the kitchen and flick on every single light I can get to. I compose myself, do my business, checking over my shoulder briefly just to make sure the bogey man isn't looking. Once I am finished I flick the last light off and race down the hall as quickly and quietly as I can.
I walk in the room and act as though nothing ever happened.
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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