Okay, back on point about the tickets.
Not only did I buy mine...I bought Mindy and Ashley's too! Ooooh we are sooooo super excited! We are getting our game plan together. In November Me, Mindy and Josh went and saw New Moon at the Malco. We got tickets to the early show because we all had to go to work the next day and I couldn't be out late. Anyways, I did the same thing. I went to the ticket window a couple of weeks before the opening date and purchased our tickets. I did this because I am cheap for one. I refuse to pay an online service charge of $1.25 per ticket when you have to print out a receipt and then go stand at the ticket window to get your "real" ticket. What purpose does it serve to buy online when you still must stand in line at the ticket window? Can someone please answer me that....
Sorry people I get carried away when I am passionate about something.
By doing this, purchasing the ticket early and from the ticket window, we walked right in the theater and only had to wait a few minutes while they cleaned out the trash and we went got really good seats. There were no lines, which was great. Now, when we came out....It was chaos. When we came in the theater we saw all the signs that they had put up saying "Form line here for seating". They had Southaven Police patrolling those lines to get a seat!!!!! The line...it started inside the building passed the concession stand and wrapped around the outside of the building. I guess people got there when our movie started in order to get a seat. Crazy I know, but us Twihards are serious!

Well Amanda as you know for the longest time I had my Eric and Sookie wallpaper on my phone well my bosses both asked about it the same day. Before the screen went black for power shut off Tim saw it after I had texted someone back (probably you) and he said who is "Eric and Sookie" (although he pronounced Sookie funny and I had to correct him) and I told him it was my favorite show and it was about vampires. It comes on HBO and that it is based off a book series. Of course I got the eye like "is she serious"...yes, yes I am!! Same day but later on same situation Mr. B comes in and asks the same question and I have to explain again and then again I got the "she's nuts" look but oh well when it comes to True Blood and Twilight I guess I'm crazy but whatevs!!
ReplyDeleteGot to stay ture...lol Don't let it bother you. I have people come in my office and some of them just roll their eyes and say "not you too". Like it's a bad thing. These are my hobby. That's how I like to think of it...a hobby.