LONG EXHALE......okay. Sorry for my lack of posts here lately. Life has yet again found a way to get in the way. It seems like there is not enough time in the day to do what I want or need to do. We have had quite a few things happen here lately that I would love to share with you. I am going to try and play a little catch up again.
As you all know, Andrew broke his arm and we have been going to the doctor weekly since. We now have a yellow cast that I have decorated with LSU Tigers. I will post a pic later. He is scheduled to get the cast off on June 24. He is counting down the days...he is so ready to go swimming that he doesn't know what to do with himself.
****side note**** There will be no pictures with this post. Sorry I don't have any uploaded at this time...remember...life has been in my way.
Josh and I worked all weekend Memorial Day Weekend to build a new shed. That project is complete.....hallelujah!
That project led to another project...cleaning the garage and storeroom and painting them both. Thank goodness that was finished the past weekend. Thanks to hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, and a swimming pool. People love a bribe.
Of course we can't forget about Kalan's softball team. This is our first and more than likely last year coaching. It is not due to the girls or their parents...it's due to lack of organization. It has been horrible, just horrible. That is blog in and of itself all together. We do see a light at the end of the tunnel...next week it will be over with, for us anyway. The last day of the tournament is June 18th. AMEN people AMEN!
My dad has been having some health problems and they found a mass/spot on his lungs. He goes for the CT tomorrow, Friday 6/11. He is scheduled to get the results next Wednesday. Say some prayers. He has smoke the "cowboy killers" for 43 years now. So...yeah...we need a lot of prayers.
I have lost 14lbs as of today since April 15th. I hope that 14lbs in 57days isn't bad. I have 17 more pounds to go to get to my goal weight. Which I am hoping that life will slow down just a bit so Josh and I can increase our walking from 1-2 times a week to 5 times a week. When I walk I feel so much better. We are starting back our yoga. I love yoga. If you have never tried it before please start now! I am being serious. At first Josh didn't want to do it. He thought it was only for women. I was also reluctant. I didn't think that it did that much. I thought that in order for an exercise routine to get you in shape you had to pour sweat and I just knew that downward dog and warrior one wasn't going to make me sweat. WRONG PEOPLE! I am always sore in new areas each time we do it and trust me you sweat. You will be amazed at the muscle groups you are working. It works!!!! Core workouts are the hardest and yoga is the master. Josh likes it because it helps with his lower back, core and flexibility. TRY it...you won't be sorry.
I know...I know...I'm lacking, but I am going to make an effort!
Summertime Sweets
9 months ago
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