That is why all of this has come as a complete and total shock to me and all the rest of us, for that matter. My Daddy is always doing something. He likes to piddle in his shop and work in the garden. He is always fixing something too. Weather it's his or for someone else. My Dad has never been weak or shown weakness, that I can remember. He has always been our ROCK.
He went to the doctor on May the 3rd because of side pain. He had gotten a job, after being laid off of his other one, and needed to go to work. He thought that he had just hurt his back/side while we were putting down sod at GiGi's house. Andrew had dropped his end of the pallet and Daddy hit the side of the trailer and was jerked down. We all just figured that he had pulled a muscle. When he went to see the FNP, she did some xrays and found a spot on the RL lobe of his lung. She suggested a CT because she feared it was cancer. They drew some labs and told him come back after the CT. His WBC count was very high so they gave him antibiotics. He had the CT done and had an appointment for the results, but they called him in 2 days early because it couldn't wait. I already knew it was bad, but when they said Primary Liver Cancer I about fell out of my chair and so did he and my Mom.
This is a very trying ordeal. For my Dad who has never been sick and for all of us who fear losing him. We have seen a Liver Specialist that has told us that he doesn't believe it can be removed, which is the definitive treatment, and he is not a transplant candidate.
We went to the Oncologist, Dr. Robert Johnson, at the West Clinic yesterday. He says that he wants the surgeon to see him and make a determination about being able to remove it. If it can't be removed then the can give a pill to slow down the growth or possibly inject the tumor and chock off the blood supply. He doesn't like the last option because it can kill healthy tissue, which he doesn't have a lot of.
His tumor is ginormous...per Dr. Johnson. His tumor is inside the liver and is affecting 3 of the 4 lobes. His liver is now from his ribs to his pelvic area and past the sternum. He has been taken off of work because he fears the tumor may rupture and kill him.
I am at a loss of words....I have a very strong faith in God. I know that he has a plan. One that I do not understand, but one that I trust in. I know that in the end it will be God's will. Please pray for peace, comfort and strength for my family Please also pray for guidance for the Doctors and nurses that will be caring for him. I ask that you pray that my Dad will answer the call to his heart the Lord is making and the he will become a Christian.
I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2

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