Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas...yes...I said Merry Christmas...and it's Sorry it's late...I like to take my time. No really I haven't had time to sit down and do it.

We love Christmas at my house. Not for the gifts, but because of the feeling. Love the Christmas Feeling!

The kids had a great way more than they needed.
Andrew got a North Face on Christmas Eve...he looks so much older in that picture. *tear*

In case you didn't know...we had a "White Christmas" here in Bucksnort...yep...a few flakes fell and you would have thought Bing Crosby had opened The Holiday Inn. The only thing we were missing was the horse drawn carriage.
Back on point here...Savanna and Nathan had a blast running around in the flakes. He had to take a break from playing his DS...because he ran the battery down.

Shelby and Kalan got in on the snow action. So did my baby...see him in the back round. He has the snowman pj bottoms on. Even sexy in his pjs...hehe
Okay...back to it again.
My baby girl got everything she wanted...her desk, pink chair, pink lamp, pink alarm clock, pink shaggy rug, and pink shaggy pillow. Do you see a theme here? Just wondering.

This photo just proves that no matter the age...the amount you spend on the gift...the thought put in it...the time it took to find just the right thing...fighting 1000 people in Walmart the day after Thanksgiving to get it...they still like the box it came in better...

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