Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I LOVE this show!

The Vampire Diaries
 I LOVE this show...I know it's another vampire show and I know that it is made for teens, but I just can't help myself.  Ever since my sister, Mindy made me watch the first season on DVD, I've been hooked.  I did not start watching the first season until the second season was half way finished.  So that meant that I had to wait until it came out on DVD to get my fix.  I really do like the story line.  It is always interesting.  So far there have not been any parts of a season where I just want to give up watching it.  I mean who would, you have Ian Somerhalder, who plays Damon.  I can't forget Paul Wesley, who plays Stefen.

 Everyone...say hello to Ian.  Hi Ian.  Okay, back to the point.  I do have one complaint for The CW...why do have to take mid-season breaks?  I mean really!  First we have to wait a year for the new season to come on and then, BAM midway through we have to take a 2-3 week break!  Is this really necessary?
If you have never watched this show...I suggest that you do so.  Season 4 premiers Thursday October 11.

Life Will Never Be The Same

On August 2, 2012 my life changed forever.  My hero passed from this world, my Dad, David Andrew Starnes.  I know that God has a plan and a reason for everything.  I do not question God's timing.  It does not take away the hurt and pain that I now have, but I hope with time and prayer that God will heal my heartache.  Most days I am selfish and wish he was still here with us.  My dad's last days on this earth were full of suffering and pain.  During that last month I prayed that his suffering would not last and he would not linger here.  My prayers were answered, and after his passing I reflected on those prayers and wondered if that was what I really wanted.  I could not imagine him still being here in the state that he was in.  I can assure you that this is the hardest thing that I have to walk through as an adult and it has proven to me just how strong my faith is.  I could not imagine going through this without the support that my faith, family and church family have given me.  I know that this is the course that life takes.  The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. 
The Lord blessed us with two more years with my dad.  Two years that the doctors said would never happen.  I feel very blessed to have had those years.  We spent a lot of time with my Dad.  My Dad was able to live a very fulfilling life in those twenty four months.  After his surgery on July 1, 2010 he was only slowed down for about a month.  He was a fighter!  Some may say stubborn.  If you knew my Dad you would agree.   He begged me to let Andrew go to Texas with him during last Thanksgiving.  I had my mind made up on the matter...NO.  Andrew was not going to Texas, almost to the Mexican boarder, and missing Thanksgiving.  My Dad knew that his time was limited and all he had to say was, "Please Amanda, I won't be here this time next year.  Please, it's a once in a lifetime trip."  I am so thankful that I let him go.

My life will never be the children's life will never be the same.  He was such a big part of our life.  I live next door to my parents.  My mom watched all 3 of my children before they started school.  My Dad took my kids everywhere, hunting, fishing, 4-wheeler riding, to

My Dad and Nathan Fishing at the pond by our house.  They would go just about everyday.  My six year old had his moment a few weeks ago, when he realized that Grandaddy wasn't going to be able to take him fishing anymore.  He sobbed, I wept.

This was at my Dad's Surprise 60th Birthday Party in April.  I was born seven days after his 30th birthday.

Dave in a suit!  You didn't see that much!  I can tell you he really didn't want to wear it that night, especially without his hat!

It's been almost 2 months...I cry almost everyday.  I know that time will help heal my pain.  I just don't want to believe that it's real...I'm sure that will never change.  I can tell you that I miss every single thing about him!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

For Real!

I can not believe that my baby, Andrew, is 13! What has happened? Where did that cute little boy go?

See the picture below...he's 2. He loved playing outside with his Mi-Mi...and he was still wearing pull-ups at night. ****sigh****

Here he is 2004. He was 6. Isn't he a doll?

I still think he is...even though he now has to wear and cut his own toenails. I my be his mother, but I'm not touching those things with a nine foot pole!!!!!!!!!

If you want to see a more resent photo of him you will have to look at the post below, "Christmas 2010".

Everyone keeps telling me, "he'll be driving before long". Those are not the words I want to hear. I feel he should still be in love with me and want to sit in my lap and tell me how wonderful I am. We have entered into new territory...TEENAGER! I know scary ain't it?

He had a very low key birthday party. Just family and his 2 best friends. I made him a Colts Football field cake...not as easy as I would have thought, but he loved it.

I am glad to call him my teenage son! HAPPY 13th BIRTHDAY ANDREW!

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas...yes...I said Merry Christmas...and it's Sorry it's late...I like to take my time. No really I haven't had time to sit down and do it.

We love Christmas at my house. Not for the gifts, but because of the feeling. Love the Christmas Feeling!

The kids had a great way more than they needed.
Andrew got a North Face on Christmas Eve...he looks so much older in that picture. *tear*

In case you didn't know...we had a "White Christmas" here in Bucksnort...yep...a few flakes fell and you would have thought Bing Crosby had opened The Holiday Inn. The only thing we were missing was the horse drawn carriage.
Back on point here...Savanna and Nathan had a blast running around in the flakes. He had to take a break from playing his DS...because he ran the battery down.

Shelby and Kalan got in on the snow action. So did my baby...see him in the back round. He has the snowman pj bottoms on. Even sexy in his pjs...hehe
Okay...back to it again.
My baby girl got everything she wanted...her desk, pink chair, pink lamp, pink alarm clock, pink shaggy rug, and pink shaggy pillow. Do you see a theme here? Just wondering.

This photo just proves that no matter the age...the amount you spend on the gift...the thought put in it...the time it took to find just the right thing...fighting 1000 people in Walmart the day after Thanksgiving to get it...they still like the box it came in better...

Monday, January 17, 2011

He's FIVE!!!!!!!!!!

It is totally unbelievable to me that my baby turned 5 on November 16th...I'm stilling crying over it...really I am.

He wanted a Toy Story 3 birthday cake. I decided to do a small cake and cupcakes.

(Colandra...these are for you..haha) This is a close up of the 5.

All the cupcakes. My favorites were the blue ones with the yellow stars. I loved the toppers...I got them in a set with the cupcake paper.

Here is the whole thing...I think it looks good. My mom made the board. The birthday boy loved it so...that's all that mattered!

Girl's Movie Night

I know that the next posts are late...but better late than never I always say.

We had a Girl's Movie Night at my house the first Friday in November. All the youth girls and most of the Young Adult Ladies attended. We had a great time!

We did our devotional thought on Ester...I love her. My favorite Women of the Bible. Then we watched the move, "One Night With The King". A great movie. Stays fairly close to the Biblical story. I highly recommend it. We decided to do a salad know us women...always looking out for our waistline...(;

As you can see below we had everything you could ever imagine for a salad...and then some.
The girls loved it! We also had baked much better than pizza.
They also were very jacked up on Dr. Pepper...see coffee table in the background of this photo
Nikki...always the life of the party...not sure what Katie was looking at...Emily is a hoot!
On the same night the boys and guys had a Guy Night at John and Amanda Wilson's house. They watched Iron Man 2 and cooked homemade pizza in John's brick oven. They had a lot of fun too!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

So Excited!

When I saw this for pre-order on yesterday I did a little jig! I immediately text my sister Mindy to share the excitement. See...we are hardcore fans...we get excited over these types of things...don't judge okay.

There is no description yet...I'm not even sure Charlaine Harris has completed the book at this point. The release date is May 3, 2011. I have my copy pre-ordered...I will have it on the day it is released...YES!

If you have never read the ever growing, "Sookie Stackhouse Southern Vampire Mysteries" you should. They are wonderful. I also watch True Blood...I believe that I've mentioned that on here a few times. I will have to say that I love the show, but they do not touch the books! Charlaine Harris is my favorite mystery writer so far. I am asking for some of her earlier books for Christmas.

Here is the link to the book set on will not be sorry!