All I can say is WOW! This is the most famous person I have ever met. I know that may be sad...but it's true. This was also my first book signing, so I was excited and curious too. I didn't know what to expect. Josh dropped me off at the Hernando Public Library at 5. When he dropped me off, this is what I saw:

Yes...I know that I looked stupid taking a picture of a parking space...but whatev! I just thought it was so neat. They had the spider web and the picture on the sign was a coffin...very fitting to her writing style.
Josh said to me, "Are you sure you're not here too doesn't start til 7. I hate for you to be there alone."
Silly...silly man. That place was PACKED! I have never seen that many people in the library before.
When I got there it may have been...10 people in the whole place. I walked around for about 5 minutes then decided I needed to find out if they were going to form a line. The lady at the desk pointed me over to the general area where she was going to be at. By that time there were at least 25 people. I took a seat by the security guard. I told him it was about to get crazy in here.
He said, "Were you at the Tunica Library last night?" I told him no and asked why.
He told me, "There was over 600 people at her signing last night."
At that point I just knew I was in trouble. It was 5:30 and they started to bring out chairs. I called Mindy, but no answer. I grab one chair and sat it down and before I could get another one they were gone! I had one seat between me and 3 very nice ladies.
I felt relieved once Mindy got there, but I only had one chair...not 2. So I asked the 3 very nice ladies if I added a chair at the end would they move down so we all could sit together. Like I said they were nice and said "sure". Shortly there after Mia got there and I felt better.

Unfortunately for Mia...she missed out on the fangs they were throwing's okay...Mindy and I got some! SEE:
Okay...just so you understand...that place was crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did have to go stand in line at Square Books to buy a copy of "Sookie Stackhouse: The Complete Stories A Touch of Dead".
I had so much fun! She was great. Very open and honest and down to earth. I did find out that she was born and raised in Tunica, MS. Her mother was a Librarian at the Tunica Library. One of her cousins was at the signing. Very sweet moment...they hadn't seen each other in a while.
She did let us know that she had signed for 3 more Sookie books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! She said she didn't know if that would be the end of Sookie...she would have to wait and see once she finished the 3 books. She does know what is going to happen to Sookie...very excited to know.
This is Mia and Me waiting patiently in line for our Autographs:

I can say I was star struck! I told her that I loved her work and to keep it up. She asked how many children I have and was so nice. I sure hope she wasn't there until 11 pm.
Charlaine Harris and ME!

Charlaine Harris signing one of my books:

Again signing my book, she said she gets names for characters this way...she commented on my name....maybe there will be an Amanda in one of the next can dream right?

Charlaine Harris:
Such a Wonderful Women:
Charlaine Harris and Mindy:

Charlaine Harris and Mia:

One of my signed books:

If you ask me...there were at least 500-600 people here. Unbelievable! I know that must make her feel accomplished!
Bring on the next Sookie Stackhouse book!